Chase Granberry: Automating Log File Analysis

Friday May 31, 2019 2pm - 3pm MST

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Chase Granberry, Founder Authority Labs

Performing an analysis of your log files tells you what Googlebot and other bots are doing on your site. We'll look at how to automate the process to time save and take a shortcut to deep insights.

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Noah Learner 0:03 Hello, everybody, welcome to our Friday afternoon automation Hangout. I'm Noah learner, and I'm here with Jordan.

We're supposed to have Chase Granberry with us as well. He's I think having issues logging into the Hangout. Anyone in here with us so far, let's have a quick peek to see what we got for people.

Just wanted to welcome you all. What we'd like to do with the first section of the Hangout today is share with you. Can you share your screen, Jordan? Yes, let me do that right now. We've been working on a framework of how we think about automation. And a piece of this comes from our own forays into automation, but it also has been influenced a bunch by the guests that we've had on the Hangout, right?

Mm hmm. And a little bit of this is like, when you're dealing with different processes for problems that you're trying to solve. A big thing is to try and save time and money for your agency or for yourself. And the way that we've been thinking about how to do it is to look at a process as something with a whole bunch of steps. And I talked about them as having macro steps and micro steps. And in this little illustration, you can kind of see there's a start and an end and a whole bunch of steps in the middle. And each one of these kind of macro steps is made up of what what we call micro steps.

Do you want to go to the next slide?

Jordan Choo 1:48 Sure.

Noah Learner 1:49 badass and so the way to get into doing automation, is to think about each of these different macro steps, break it down into its component parts, and then figuring out which, if any, or all can be automated. And then to make that happen using any number of different tools, whether you're using an API, whether you're using tools like Zapier, or Integra, Matt. And then after you deal with your first macro step, you assess all the others to try and find other opportunities for efficiencies, to hopefully automate all of the steps in the process. And then when you're done, you try and roll that out again and again for as many processes in your agency as you can, so that you and your team can focus on what's actually going to make you and your clients money.

I forget is there another there's another step right there is there is one right so that in the all red indicates that we've now automated everything, and our framework, we've got a whole bunch of steps in that framework.

Which is the next slide basically goes over, goes over the process, our approach is, anything that you do more than three times as a candidate for automation. So maybe that's onboarding clients, maybe it's reporting, maybe it's task management, anything coming to mind for you, Jordan?

Jordan Choo 3:03 Oh, man, it's it's ongoing work. So for me, the, the bulk of the things that I'm doing for automation really lies down in how long and you know, Noah you're going to dive deeper into this with each of these steps is, I don't want my analysts right, like people and I'm paying, you know, 50 $75 $100 per hour, crunching data and pulling data, they should be focused on actually analyzing it. So that's kind of how I prioritize automation and where I'm focusing a lot of my efforts on right now.

Noah Learner 3:58 And so what I'm hearing From your end is that analysis is what our clients are paying us for. Right?

Jordan Choo 4:04 That's exactly it right? Like we're here to provide strategy, right? We are not here to copy and paste meta descriptions or to pull data from Google Analytics or search console, right? Anyone can do that anyone could send a report, it's really making the most efficient time out of the people on your team, so that you can focus so that you can actually provide the client with value, right? Like, yeah, at the end of the day, the clients paying you for, for moving the needle and pulling data or is not going to move the needle. It's the actual analysis of it.

Noah Learner 4:41 Yeah, so like, when I think about when I think about automation, I think about a list of questions, and we've got them right here. It's just like, how many times do I do this task every day, every week, every month? How much time am I or my team devoting to it? How much does that cost me? Right, it's like dollars and cents. Yeah. And it's not just me, it's like it's costing my client to when they'd rather the opportunity cost is they'd rather have that time being spent on analysis. And then the big question is, will it save me time and money if if we execute it, if yes, we automate. And then we get into the other steps that we just talked about.

Some things that that really are important. Keep your automation as simple as possible with as few steps.

Whenever something breaks, it can have a cascading effect, and break lots and lots and lots of different things. So if you keep it as simple as possible, when you get started, start simple. And the other thing is implement error checking and notifications, which help you account for Murphy's law because everything breaks.

Jordan Choo 5:51 Right, if you know that everything breaks, yeah, and and as you mentioned, it just causes that ripple effect where breaks 10 other different things?

Noah Learner 6:02 Yeah,Yeah. Crazy. Okay, so so this is the extent of our attempt to share our framework with you. And we hope that this is really helpful for people to get started, Jordan, where's chase? What are we doing?

Jordan Choo 6:19 I have no idea I've been I've been carefully checking my my phone as we've been chatting but he has not responded yet. Now, with that being said, like to go to take a step back here, Noah. What I see a lot of people doing and please give me some insight if you've experienced this as well is trying to jump the gun on automation, meaning they they want to implement say, I don't know a new service and they go all gung ho on trying to automating it right off the bat. What are your thoughts on that?

Noah Learner 6:55 Weight jumping in with both feet?

Jordan Choo 6:58 Yeah, yeah, Yeah, yeah, like head head first into automating something.

Noah Learner 7:03 Well, I think Hamlet said something like crazy smart. A couple times ago, it was really fun because you and I were just dealing with picking a new transcription service right and transcribing his talk this morning was pretty cool because I got to hear him talk over and over and over again. And he was talking about starting simple in his processes, he'll figure out a problem or a process that he wants to solve.

If it meets those parameters, he'll then solve the problem manually or create the process manually. And then after he finds that he has a manual solution for everything, then he gets down into the component parts and start simple. And that was like something that he said over and over again was like, start simple start simple.

And I think Yuri was in a different place when he talked to us in the first episode, because for him, he had this like, a pretty large dev team. I think he had 15 developers, just for the marketing team, which is huge.

Jordan Choo 8:23 That's that's near unheard of. I'm like, if you're able to get one or two dems, that is a that's a godsend, but 15 holy, moly, no.

Noah Learner 8:32 Isn't that what he said?

Jordan Choo 8:35 I yeah, it's like is a fairly large team. And it took me by surprise. Right, in a very good way.

Noah Learner 8:41 Yeah, yeah. So his thing was not like a and he had a whole team of people that are really good at working through problems. And were really good at connecting API's together. So it wasn't like can we even do this was like, how do we how fast can we run, you know, was was his thought process? And we're not all blessed like that. So for like, I guess to answer your question, I would say, it depends on how big you are and what tools you have at your disposal, and what your goals are and how fast you want to run. I think for smaller agencies like us, it's like, maybe start with Zapier, do do something super, super simple. Maybe it's thinking about your reporting, your onboarding. Those are things that to me are screaming out, to get solved right away, or even simpler would be setting up your monthly strategy call. Like, when I tell people about how difficult it is for me to get clients on the phone in a routine manner every month, in a way that we're not juggling emails back and forth. They say, Oh, well, I just have a standing meeting. And it's like, well, I don't have that as a choice.

Like, I gotta be flexible, so I have to. So you know, you connect to Google Sheet to MailChimp. You have another tool that whenever you get a new client, it puts them in the client list. And when unfortunately someone you know, if you lose a client, it automatically removes them from the list and then on the 25th day of the month, every month it automatically sends them an email saying, Hey, this is Noah. Make sure you look at your performance dashboard. Oh, somebody here.

Chase, welcome.

Chase Granberry 10:38 Hey, how you doing? Are you supposed to do something right now is

Noah Learner 10:44 two o'clock.

Chase Granberry 10:45 One o'clock here. Oh, where are you? Phoenix?

Noah Learner 10:52 daylight savings baby. Oh, weird. Okay. I yeah, we've been under the assumption we read our our

Chase Granberry 11:00 Mountain. Yeah, yeah, sorry. I had it on my calendar for 2pm. And it was probably the same time zone. Back when we scheduled it. Yeah. But we don't do daylight savings here. So that might have been the issue.

Noah Learner 11:17 Okay. It's great to have you great to great to hear your voice the first time. Yeah.

Chase Granberry 11:21 Yeah.

No, I appreciate it. Appreciate you guys inviting me. For sure. Yeah, no problem. We were just shooting the shit talking about automation or approach.

Jordan Choo 11:43 So Chase is tell us about tell us about yourself.

Chase Granberry 11:51 Well, I'm Chase Granberry. Let me get my microphone on. Here. here.

Noah Learner 12:03 Your audio is fine to do the computer. on my end anyway.

Chase Granberry 12:16 there we go. Is that worse? Okay.

So yeah Chase Granberry for the last 10 years I was building authority labs, which is like a web based Rank Tracker and sold that last year.

Jordan Choo 12:38 Congrats.

Chase Granberry 12:39 Thanks and so been took a little break transition some people and then had another kid and and kind of was trying to find you know what the next thing is so and I So I was like a non tech, technical founder. So I also kind of wanted to figure out like, I'm fairly technical in terms of like, I know, you know what we're doing and why butI had some time. So I kind of taught myself wanting to teach myself how to learn, really to code. And so the large players kind of like this project that I was using to teach myself how to actually like write the software piece. But it turns out that I think, I think it's a pretty interesting niche and helping people really get data that's kind of difficult to get without it. And there's there's a bit of a problem in like log file space and that most solutions are super expensive and we managed to kind of find one solution that will it is actually quite a bit more cost effective. And like at Authority Labs, I mean, we were paying a SAS based log aggregator like thousands of dollars a month. But I can only keep three days of data because we were sending them so much data. And so it's great for my dads because they could like debug stuff in real time. But from a business perspective, I really couldn't do anything with that. Because we didn't have we can keep it was too expensive to keep long term for the, you know, the solutions that were out there. But now we have stuff like, Big Query. And so big queries, super cheap to store data. And if you query it correctly, it's it's pretty inexpensive to query. So that lets us keep a lot, a lot of data very inexpensively. And if we're careful with our queries, then you know we are it's, it's just a super cost effective way to do it. And so basically log flares ultimately helping people You know, keep the log data that their servers or their site is generating in a way that lets developers and DevOps like inspect stuff in real time, generate alerts and stuff.

But then lets the business actually analyze that log data over long periods of time and storing it in a cost effective way and essentially was what was letting us do that. So that's pretty much where we're at and hopefully, hopefully, start on the billing system like next week and start to get some paid plans involved and but right now, you can sign up and you actually plug in your own Big Query TABLE and keep stuff for as long as you want. So it's pretty useful as is and we're doing about, I don't know, 30,000,035 million events a day that we're ingesting and so it's it's come along pretty well, I think Nice. Yeah.

Jordan Choo 16:02 When I first heard about log there, I was super excited because I know for myself, my clients at least my point of contact with clients, they are not technical. They're not technically savvy at all. So when they hear log files, they look like a deer in the headlights.

Chase Granberry 16:19 So right.

Jordan Choo 16:20 I'm so excited for for this and to actually sink my teeth in it.

Chase Granberry 16:25 Yeah. Yeah. Sweet.

Jordan Choo 16:28 Cool. Alright, so first of all, for those who don't know what our log files and why should they Why should people analyze them?

Chase Granberry 16:38 It's basically log files. If your server is like, doing anything, it's most likely generating a log file. Patchy is a web server it generates. So for every request that comes in, it hits your website, generates a typically generates a log file. And in that log file is data about that request, the user agent URL, it was visited, the HTTP status code that was returned to the user, and potentially a bunch of other things. And so if your server is doing anything, it's generating a log file. So typically, so essentially, if your servers like messing up at all, then people kind of first thing you do to diagnose that is you log in on the server, and you look at the log files. And if it's, something's going wrong. And there's generally like, errors in there that will help you debug the issue. And you should know about them and analyze them, because like, there's lots of stuff that's going on on your server, there's lots of things that are hitting your website that Google Analytics, or any JavaScript based analytics package can't see. Because like Google by hitting your site, for instance, well, they're starting to render JavaScript now. But most things that are machine generated that are hitting your site are not written in JavaScript. So you can't see any of those things in Google Analytics. And so there's just a lot of stuff going on, on your site on your server that you should have some visibility into and log files essentially helps you do that. Right. Right. Cool.

Jordan Choo 18:34 Okay, so how r log files currently being collected.

Chase Granberry 18:40 There's lots of ways. So the reason that you want kind of a centralized store for larger files, if you have one server, it's not too big of a deal to like, log into that box and look at the log files. But once you're at 234, and more servers, having like a centralized place to put all these log files is important to when it whenever issues come come up, it makes it really easy. Having a one place makes it really easy to just see what's going on. And it shortens like the meantime, the resolution on any sort of issue. People Well, typically, to get log files, you have to install something on your server like an agent. So we haven't blogged player has an agent. So if you want to, like install this, so if you're not on cloud player, if you want to, you can install something on your server, and then it watches, files, essentially for changes, watches the log files and sends any new lines to log flare that that it finds in those files. And so people have been doing this for a long, long time, spunk is probably the oldest company that has like a log file consolidation management solution with some analytics on top of that, very enterprise easy, you know, hundred thousand dollars a year or more for an install. There's newer solutions that are kind of web based, like, we used authority labs, we use paper trail app. com. But then there's also largely both of those things, have agents, you can send log files to them and search and do paper trails where they do the graphs piece, but largely does the graphs piece. And you can also like with AWS, you can get log files straight from the load balancer and send those to cloud watch or like an s3 bucket. You know, but the cloud flow didn't really have a solution for log files, unless you run an enterprise plan, which is like multiple thousands of dollars a month. And so that's kind of where their app store and cloud for workers enabled us to build something for their for people were using cloud fire. So...

Jordan Choo 21:11 are you seeing more and more Seo? Start requesting log files and collecting them and analyzing them over? as you're building? Locklear?

Chase Granberry 21:19 Yeah, well just didn't I mean, in general, over the last year or two, maybe there's kind of been a larger push for people to get more and more technical. Get into the technical side of SEO, I think there's lots of reasons for that. I think one of the reasons is that Google is getting better at catching the spammy stuff. So there's less and less every year, there's less and less slide packs, you know, for to get yourself ranking.Sorry, my toddler just walked in here.

Noah Learner 21:59 We behind the chair going to go viral? Right?

Jordan Choo 22:07 I'm just thinking of that. That CNN interview everywhere. Yeah, the guys all professional and the kid walks in the mom, like, sneaks in like a ninja and grabs a little one?

Chase Granberry 22:20 Yeah, I kind of assumed this was going to be live. I don't know, I'm glad it wasn't because I was late, and my son just walked in. So it's gonna do some editing.

So Oh, yeah, the SEO. So I think, you know, in generally, we've seen a lot more concentration on like, the technical side of SEO, just because, you know, to do well, now, I mean, everything's if you're gonna compete, you know, everything's gonna be right. And everything's going to be right on the technical side. And there's like, there's a lot to that. And so understanding all that, and then, you know, and part of the technical piece is, you know, understanding how Google is, is crawling your site. And if they're getting stuck anywhere, like, what are they actually seeing? Can they actually see anything? They can't see stuff on the site that they should be able to see, like, why is that? Well, you know, you need log files. To understand that, you need to understand how your site is responding to Googlebot, the only way to do that is log files. So it's natural.

As SEO gets more difficult, you know, everything is going to be right. And to make sure everything's right, you know, look at your log files, basically, right

Noah Learner 23:49 Chase if you noticed a big change in what's happening with Google. But since they've kind of, you know, it sounded like they made the move to evergreen about, I don't know, two to three months ago, but they but they still had that user agent from the one that was like, chrome version 40, whatever. But the way that it was processing content, made a lot of Devs think that it was actually evergreen. Were you seeing evidence of that? Before I

Chase Granberry 24:20 know, I honestly haven't. I've been too focused on like, just building log flare, I haven't had a lot of time to look into that. But the way that you can see, like, you can't actually tell, unless they use a specific user agent for the Evergreen version. log files actually won't be able to tell you if they're using an evergreen version or not, like, the way that you know, is you have to like go back to the JavaScript thing, you actually have to have JavaScript, a little JavaScript on your side, if you want to distinguish the bots, like evergreen versus an old one. In a JavaScript, like tests the browser for certain features. And so the JavaScript is triggered, and we know it's like running the JavaScript. And then you know, you can test certain features with it. And some people have done a little bit of that, but I haven't had the time, really. We know what that's like the other, they're using a different user agent now like an evergreen user agent?

Noah Learner 25:30 I don't know. I don't know the answer.

Chase Granberry 25:34 But, but that's something like for sure. To stay on top of and and figure out. I mean, I've seen, heard and heard about, like, through friends and stuff. Kind of some horror stories of just google rendering JavaScript anyways, I mean, I think I think for a lot, I think it's a little bit irrelevant, because like, if you really want to do it, if you really want to make Google bots job easy, you don't, you don't make them render JavaScript, you pre render everything. And if you want Google to crawl, like the most content possible on your site, you should pre render it because it takes orders of magnitude more resources to like, render JavaScript, and that's why they haven't done it for such a long time. And so I think, if you're really serious about this, you know, then you're, you're just going to pre render for a very, very long time.

Noah Learner 26:41 Got it? Whoops, not pretender. I'm not very good at this typing thing. So that's, that's really interesting. So I haven't paid a ton of attention to log files, because a lot of the platform that I have to deal with or closed, so can I how would I possibly get a an agent on a site? If I don't have server access?

Chase Granberry 27:10 You can't, doesn't? Like, what do you mean?

Noah Learner 27:15 I don't have access to FTP, I don't have access via terminal, you know, I couldn't do command line anything, if I don't have access to the server. And I can't put FTP, but I can put files in specific directories, but not at the root. That's not going to get me anywhere, right.

Chase Granberry 27:33 Yeah, so that's, I mean, that's actually one of the ways Logflare can help. The log flare, you if you can sign up a site for Cloudflare, then like, say, if you're on like wix, or you know, like some other platform like Shopify, Shopify doesn't give you logs, or if the server you're on, you can't install anything really, other than like WordPress, just about in the majority of those scenarios, if you have some control over the site, and your client will allow it, if it's yours, if you have control over it, or your client will allow it, you can sign that sign up for cloud flyering. Cloudflare is awesome, because it's a CDN. And you should probably be running a CDN anyways, in a CDN, you know, essentially sits in front of your site, and caches any images or any static content. So it can serve those two people faster. And the cool thing about cloud players that have this thing called workers workers runs a little bit of JavaScript before like in that whole process. So basically, somebody makes a request to your site. It goes through cloud flare, it runs the worker, and then it proxies all that traffic, to and from the user to your website. And with log flare in that whole process. Like when you sign up for the app, in cloud flare, it installs our worker, our little piece of JavaScript that essentially logs that request response data to log player. So the great thing about cloud flare in log flare is that you don't have to install anything on your on your site. If you can set up for cloud flare, and get a CDN in front of it, then you can you can get all that all that data with honestly just a few clicks and a few minutes of work. Even if you can install on something on the server, it's a bit, it can be a bit problematic if you have like lots of servers, because then you gotta like monitor, you know, are all my servers reporting as they should. Sometimes they don't, if you have a lot of servers, you know, it's pretty common for one or two to like, not be reporting logs like they should. And so having something that actually sits in front of your site, logging this request data is very useful, because you're guaranteed to like, get all the traffic. Whereas if something sitting in your server, you might not see everything, essentially.

Noah Learner 30:07 Got it. That's killer,

Jordan Choo 30:10 which With that being said, I know we have a few additional questions planned, but I think this would be a great transition to kind of show off log flare, as we talked about previously, Chase.

Chase Granberry 30:22 Yeah, so I can

Jordan Choo 30:25 let me stop sharing so you can have access to it, too.

Noah Learner 30:40 I love the green.

Chase Granberry 30:42 Ah, thanks. A little like matrixy, hacker ish, sort of, sort of thing. So actually,

Noah Learner 30:54 it kind of reminds me of just having had a baby. And that feeling of not sleeping for like 70. You know what that's like?

Chase Granberry 31:05 Yeah, I do know what that's like, I've done that twice. Now. It's, it's, it's the right.

Noah Learner 31:13 I guess, if we were sitting in the office, and I gave you that feedback, you'd want to punch me in the face across the conference table. But I know. Like,

Chase Granberry 31:23 look and feel, because that's kind of how I'm like, internally, you know, subconsciously, it was like, Oh, this looks like you should be up in the middle of the night, like hacking away on it. And yeah, probably was because I had, like, you know, a baby woke me up and I can go back to sleep or something I don't know in there. So really quick, I will just kind of show you the signup process, it only takes like, a minute. So I have this, site It's just a literally just a web server on it. So engine x web server have, let's uninstall it.

So once you're in like cloudflare, install process is, super simple. You just go to apps, you find there's Ranksense, you find log flare, we have a little banner up here, too. Sometimes it's listed right here, but there it is. So there's our banner, click that or you can search for it. And then just do. So this is like our cloud flare app landing page preview on your site. We don't have a preview because we don't actually alter any content that could served. You need to log in. If you don't have an account, that'll take you through the signup process, which is super simple and just puts you back here.

So now we're logged in and connected to source sources, essentially where your logs ago. So we're going to do somebody where Id you can if you have a ip API key, you can get like enhanced data on an IP address, like latitude longitude, the postal code, the company, lots of different stuffs, ip is pretty cool. But that's optional. And this stuff is also optional, you probably just want to keep it as is and then just do install on all pages. And it's going to give you this little warning box to continue. And that's it. It's installed. And so now we go to our blog player dashboard and go to send the wacky. So what we're going to see is we're going to make a request to Take some reason not install it incorrectly.

Jordan Choo 34:37 Murphy's Law.

Chase Granberry 34:42 Yeah, the law of demos,

Noah Learner 34:46 doesn't matter that they're different domains.

Chase Granberry 34:49 Oh, I was on.

Noah Learner 34:51 Because you're on logflare when you installed it for 70 it look like

Chase Granberry 35:02 it's the wrong one. I should actually uninstall it. the data. are you still going there. So go to your domain The one you actually care about and then you can search for, there we go. Now preview.

Noah Learner 35:32 So what's funny about that login screen is that Hamlet was really proud of the fact that his was the featured app and was the one on top. And you had the first position to add a three loads page. He's definitely going to Notice that.

Chase Granberry 35:51 Okay, cool. There we go. Hey, we just did like a request. So we're doing multiple requests on 71. You guys go to 70 Wagner com, then you should see that here. But you can see, we returned three or four status quo, which means it was a modified. Here's a 200 status code.

Noah Learner 36:16 I think I just went to it.

Jordan Choo 36:18 Yeah, me too. So

Chase Granberry 36:23 somebody did a robots that text with a bunch of stuff on the internet.

I got a crawler hitting this every once in a while.

So yeah, all this stuff is here.

And what so once we have it in here with log flare, you can like create alerts off of it. So for instance, I have I have this rule from log flare all logs that will match signups and so all my signups go in here and I get a text messages. So I get a text message every time somebody signs up. That's pretty useful. Look at that.

And right here

Noah Learner 37:07 of all your signups man.

Chase Granberry 37:09 Oh, yeah. Yeah, we get it, we get like 10 a day now. And

it's only been a couple of months. So, you know, I think we can I think we can do better.

Jordan Choo 37:22 That's awesome. Now in terms of the rules, how complex can you get with them?

Chase Granberry 37:28 Let's just read jack. So if you can do a little read Jack's, you can get as complex as you want, really. And read it, it's it's pretty simple. Like you can if you want Googlebot and just put in Google bot, you don't have to get crazy with it. Like these are free go to rules lol.

So Google bots, sending it to this source, which is like all my Google bot traffic. Sign up equals true is going to my signup source. Five 500 range status code goes to, like if something has gone wrong in the server, I can see that there I get a text text message. So anytime like somebody. It's a if something explodes on the server, like if we put a push the bad version, and it's exploding, and I get a bunch of text messages. And I can know that immediately and fix it.

Jordan Choo 38:25 Interesting. And this the sink that you have there is that to a specific table in Big Query that

Chase Granberry 38:33 it isn't going to that table, I just have like the table ID there. But when you pick something here, it's like you just picked from one of your other sources. Like here's my robot source. Okay. Cool. This is the Id like if you're going to send anything to us manually. Like that's the ID for that source that you use to say this logs. But with the cloud player app, and mostly other ways, we just set that all up for you not to worry about it.

And you can like do some other interesting things. Like we have like a public URL. So on the homepage, I have it set up. So this demo is like I have a shared URL for all my Googlebot traffic. So anybody can go to that URL, I don't need to be logged in. So if you have like log files, you want to share them with a developer super easy to do that, like they can actually see what's going on.

Jordan Choo 39:45 Very cool.

Chase Granberry 39:46 Yeah. And so so this is pretty cool just to like, see what's going on in your server. And to get a bunch of data about that and to see all happened live and to create alerts from, but ultimately, like, I wanted to be able to save all this data for a long time. And then easily, like create reports out of that. And so the way that we're doing that is shuffling on. So log play really is just like an intermediary, we take in the requests, and then shuffle them to Big Query for you. And we each source gets its own specific Big Query table. And if you login with Google, we're able to share that underlying table with your Google account. So if you're logged in with Google, and you go into your source, and then you hit this explore button, it pops you out to Data Studio and literally like everything is set up with their explore interface. So you don't have to go through the process of like, doing a Connect like typically have to like set up a connector and all this kind of stuff. With that explore link, it just sets everything up for you automatically. And it makes it super easy to start analyzing stuff and creating charts that are then like immediately ready to put into Data Studio report. So here we have this is like all my error messages that I've seen recently. I think there's 150, or something in here, but I get the total here and I have a total record count. And if I was interested in total record count, looking at the way it is now, then I can just hit export to report and share. And then I just hit save, create new report and share.

So now I'm in a report and the data sources added there was really no setup involved. And I had like this nice little record count thing. If I wanted to add, let's see time series. So this is like the last seven days. So every day, we've had 500 response of a handful of them 30 or 40. And so each day, we can see that. And it'd be wanting to do hourly data, we can actually edit this and do our...

Noah Learner 42:42 Can you walk us through sort of like how to how you would automate the process of setting this whole thing up, you showed us how to how to set up your tool, but put yourself in the mind of your dev ops team for a second. Like you're already aware of how to do the alerting and notifications, like low tech and then maybe think about it through an API lens.

Chase Granberry 43:11 In terms Well, everything, everything I just set up now is like completely automated. So the graph that I just created to be updated in like in real time. And so in terms of like, I mean, it's difficult to create, like set all this up in an automated way. But really, what you're trying to do is just set up like a dashboard for yourself, like the alerts and stuff.

You know, you need to set those up. But then the dashboard ultimately is like what you're going to be wanting to look at. And I mean, I have a handful of dashboards, like I look at every day and understand what going on with log flare. And actually, my Data Studio is one of them. So like, this is the dashboard I have that I look at every day for log flare, and I can see how much traffic it's getting. This is only one of our ingestion endpoints because if we log everything, we log everything about what we're logging, it would be too much. Yeah. But here we can see my all the status codes I'm returning. This is the response time distribution. So most of my requests are being served between 100 and 250 milliseconds. And none over without none over a second. This is all the last seven days, I can see my response time, average by country. So the response time on it average in Russia for the last seven days is 140 milliseconds. It looks like Pakistan or Nepal as the slowest. which kind of makes sense. And then here we can see like the average response time over over time, most of these spikes are like me deploying something new. And then here's all the 500 requests per hour. So so this is like all my status codes. So I can see it's mostly all to hundreds, which is, which is which is good. Anything that's actually exploding is a 500. So that's here, I can see that. And that doesn't happen very often. And then I have like sign ups every day down here. And then the cash status, like, you know, is my content getting cashed. Most of my requests are API requests. So they're not getting cash was what I want. And then there's a lot of things you can do. But But in terms of like automating stuff, really, you just want to automate like, I mean, you want to automate all this data and make sure the dashboards are updated, and stay updated. Because this is, you know, what you want to look at every day to make sure things are are going right. And like if you're a marketer, you know, you want to make like, I would have a graph of like Googlebot visiting my site. So like this dashboard, I could actually filter for Googlebot. So everything's like these are all the Google by user agents that are hitting my site right now. into that take? No.

Noah Learner 47:02 So what is your workflow like you, you go to the dashboard? Let's say you see, instead of like, pretty thin, but tall spikes in your 500 error codes? Let's say you see a broad band of them. I mean, clearly, you're getting text messages telling you and stuff. But in terms of a daily workflow, are you logging into the dashboard? If you see errors that you didn't notice, before that look more than a minute? Do you then go to the logs?

Chase Granberry 47:30 Yeah, it would be like, so for the 500. example, if I wasn't getting alerts for those? Yeah, I would, in the morning, I'll log into here, let's say, most of the time, it's none, except for a couple of spikes here and there. But for some reason, last night at 1am. You know, it's started, like a significant amount, you know, and in that stayed that way, know, like, something is constantly blowing up. And it's probably just the way somebody sending a request to us. That we're not handling correctly, for some reason. But yeah, so that you're just looking for any anomaly. And if it's consistent, then it's like, okay, something's going wrong, I'd see that these requests are coming in. And they're, we're not handling them correctly. And I have this, and I have it. So I have everything in log player. So I've got a log player, I will look at my, you know, in here, and I'll be able to see, you know, these are all the requests, they're actually blowing up so I can see specifically what's what's going on.

Noah Learner 48:42 And what were some of the biggest wins that you got after? Or that you've heard from clients after they've implemented both the reporting tools, and also just set up with Locklear?

Chase Granberry 48:55 Well, Hamlet actually was diagnosing an issue with his whole system, he brought some bigger sites on. And he was able to use log flare to actually like, thing, cloud flare wasn't caching requests, like they should have been. And it was because of URL rewrite somewhere. And but animal was able to go in there and filter everything for stuff that wasn't being cached. And find, essentially fine examples of these requests coming in, he could then send his developer be like, Hey, listen, here's, here's a request I'm seeing we shouldn't even be like sending this request back. It should be getting cash, like figure it out sort of thing. And so yeah, I mean, just having the ability to look at this stuff. Especially when something is going wrong, like, well, for instance, I was going, I was setting up this report for for this webinar. This is an Cod, it's a buddy of mine, he runs, he'll, he has a pest control company that pretty large. And he owns and calm. And he just started getting content on the site, maybe like six months ago, and put something out on Facebook, like, Hey, I got this new thing. You want log files, I can help you, you know, kind of build the report, if you let me use it as a demo. So he was interested, you can go to this, you can go here and actually bring this report up yourself if you want to. But I was saying this whole whole thing up. And it's interesting, because you can see he wasn't using a CDN before, but I got him set up on cloud player. So he could use log flare, you know, his cloud player working are, you know, and I actually sending requests that have been cached and most of the stuff, most of the stuff is now getting cached. And also we can see like his cloud Fleur actually increased, like, is my site faster? Because I'm now using a CDN and on cloud flare answer that is, is absolutely yes. Because all this, like this Miss is a site as a request missing a cache, it's a 400 millisecond request. expired is also missing the cash, it's a 1.5 millisecond request, or 1.5 second request. But when it hits the cash, particular serves it from their cash. And it's pretty much like instantaneous. So we can say that that's literally 10 milliseconds as cloud player responding to that request, and actually serving that content. so here we can see like, Are my images actually being cached. And we can see the cast as hit and miss. And when there's a miss, the origin time is like significantly more. But one of the one of the other things that I thought was interesting. So he actually has a lot of broken images. Well, there's not a lot, there's really one main one, but it's this this image, which is on this page, and I was making this chart, right, different. Was it this one? Category, there was one.

Noah Learner 52:32 I loved all these tables. I went through this and I was like, ooh, want that want that. And I have cloud flare, I'm on my own site. All my sites, not all but almost all of them are large ecommerce sites that and by large, I mean, they just have like 70 to 100,000 skews. And I was a little because of the three big

Chase Granberry 52:54 ones that I feel like it's a lot of skews.

Noah Learner 52:57 Yeah. And it's not Amazon by any stretch. But yeah, pulling one of those over to Cloudflare. There's a lot of risk associated, from my perspective, because the the closed platform has been shifting from one hosting environment to another. And they've been moving a lot of their images off the platform to a CDN. And I didn't know how all that stuff was going to play together. And I didn't really have a way of setting up like a test for it. All, all the client sites are live there. I don't host any of them. They're all hosted by platform. And I was just like, freaking out like I want to do Cloudflare because of the CDN and time gains, you know, the page?

Chase Granberry 53:42 And yeah, I mean, if you have a client that's not using a CDN period, like you should tell them to use a CDN.

Unknown Speaker 53:49 Yeah, you should tell them to use pod flare, because then you could use Logflare.

Noah Learner 53:53 Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 53:56 And because it's just, I mean, it's a no brainer, like you should be using CDN because they can serve your shit way faster than you can tell. And if they are already using a CDN, there's probably not much you're gonna be able to do to get them to switch unless they're in the market for a new CDN. And Cloudflare has some compelling features, collar workers being one of them, that may, you know, help get that switch going faster. But it's definitely something that like you should be in the loop on, especially considering that you know, how fast your site is, is definitely Google's definitely. Google definitely cares about that. And the people that are coming to your site, definitely care about that.

Chase Granberry 54:44 And so if you're not using a CDN, it's just it's irresponsible, I think.

So. But, but in making this report to I was actually able to find this page, because one of one of the broke the images of the broke working on it, and I went, like this whole page is broken, something's wrong with it. And but in creating this report, I was able to see like, Okay, this is these are the URLs that are serving four fours, that also are image URLs, meaning is the dot jpg, or PNG or GIF, or Jeff, or everyone said, and this is the URL that that it's coming from. And this is actually all over the last seven days. So might not be like, current, but I was able to find, like, it might just be an error, and it's intermittent. But I was able to find this one that's, you know, they're specifically serving an image, the site isn't huge, but they're specifically serving an image that doesn't exist and the page that serving that image, one of the pages is serving that image is like totally broken. So in the process of making this dashboard, I was able to figure that stuff out. And hopefully we'll be able to fix it soon.

Noah Learner 55:58 Wait, does. Can you look look at that site sitemap. I wonder if they have the assets sitemap live? Like they have Yost going in? And do you know, I'm talking about when they switched from version seven to eight or something? It automatically turned on the assets sitemap.

Jordan Choo 56:20 Yeah, that was a huge pain in the butt.

Noah Learner 56:26 Not really, where the sitemap is. Okay.

Jordan Choo 56:29 There we go.

Noah Learner 56:30 Post post. Yeah, he's good. Cool. Sorry. Started dork out on you.

Chase Granberry 56:37 Yeah, no, that's fine. That's what we're here to do. Right? Yeah.

So another interesting one, like, you know, is my robots. txt actually, like serving a 200 status code. And so this is literally all the traffic to robots. txt. Over the last week, specifically, just the robots. txt over the last week and the status codes, it's returning? For some reason it's returning a 406 and, a 403 and a 404 to some bots.

I don't, I'd have to look into more like why that is, obviously, what we really care about is that like, Google bot is getting a 200, which, when I was going through this before, definitely looks like it is. But something's like this. Also, this bot report is like, you know, if you don't want sem rush spot hitting your site, because it's not you that is actually doing that via sem rush, then you should definitely block that bot. Same thing with like, zoom info, like, do you want zoom info crawling or site? Probably not? And all this stuff is, you know, do you want mods crawling or saying I don't know, if you're using miles, maybe if you're not using mods, like, maybe you don't want to crawl your site? I don't know. But it's information that you should have. Just to know what's going on, you know, on your website, and then this would be like an interesting deal to, I mean, if all of a sudden, it just went missing, you'd be able to see, you know, okay, like, this is this graph would turn from blue to whatever the forum for all just a slightly different beliefs, maybe it's not as obvious as it should be. But it does. And this is also something that I would say, like, you know, definitely set up an alert for, because I know people that have, you know, lost the robots. txt or change them in a certain way. So you can set up, but probably not, it's just missing, but the biggest thing is, like, you know, if you disallowed all your traffic, so setting up something up, like, ping them to check for that you're not disallowing the whole thing would be, would be definitely a smart thing to do.

Noah Learner 59:02 Uh, what keeps you awake at night? work related?

Chase Granberry 59:11 Um, I don't know, right? I mean, right now, I'm at a point where Logflare's kind of humming along pretty good, I need to build out some more features to make it really comparable to some of the other log management platforms. But really, I just need to get the billing done. And we got a new homepage, it's in process with a designer right now. So I need to get that rip. I mean, really, I'm just trying to put Get, get the push going to where we can actually start charging people for this, or asking people for money, we're going to do a lot for free.

Because, you know, I want to support people are trying to build stuff. But, but you know, this thing, but I want to build this into into a great business. And so, you know, figuring out the whole pricing plans and figuring out, you know, what people will actually pay for, you know, the quicker we do that, the better. But, so that's kind of what I'm pushing for right now.

Noah Learner 1:00:28 Yeah.

Jordan Choo 1:00:30 Any exciting functionality in the pipeline?

Chase Granberry 1:00:36 Well, we need to do like, integrate slack integration. So alerts, text messages, but you know, you can put all that stuff into Slack, Zapier is definitely on the horizon so that not only can you funnel alerts to like Zapier, and then like, do something with that data with all their connections, but you could also for instance, you know, it so like live player is also while we're focusing our lives, in this specific context, it's a general ETFs platform. So you can send it any sort of data, you can, the live message can be anything you want. But then the metadata can be literally anything. So you could send it essentially a copy of like all your signups and their data. And then that would be you know, in Big Query, and you'll be able to query that any way you want. And create charts from that any way you want. So you can really, it's really, right now, it's the easiest way to get data, it's the easiest way to stream data into Big Query on the market, honestly, and there's a lot of reasons why that is, like we manage, ultimately, with Big Query, if you want to stream data, and you have to, like, set up the schema ahead of time, or we take any event, we look at the metadata, and then we adjust the schema on the fly in real time. And so being able to take any data in and then like create dashboards from it as a really powerful, powerful thing, outside of just blogs is kind of like the default use case for that. And it's a use case that's been around for a while, and that I know people will pay for. But in terms of like enterprise stuff, getting data into a data warehouse, large player can be your pipeline for that. And, and positioning and finding people that will actually want to use it for that, I think will be a lot of fun and really interesting. Because just how flexible it is. And, and honestly, we can do it in a lot more cost effective way than than what's out there right now. So, you know, aside from that bigger picture stuff, you know, typical like, actually plans, people paying us and adding people your account. So you can like, you know, share data, or if you have like a team working on a site, they can all get in there and do stuff.

So yeah, ultimately, I'd like to kind of build my own version of data data. The thing with Data Studio that it lacks right now is it's not really it's very real time. But the only does hourly date, it will do daily data, by default, no do hourly data, or it will do hourly data, you set it up, like I set it up here. But ultimately, I want something that will do minutely data so that you could really use blog player as like the monitor CPU load, essentially. So if you send it CPU memory stats, every second, you'd be able to actually see like minutely data from from your server. So there and there's lots of solutions out there to do that right now, like server monitoring and stuff, but just having like an event analytics platform, or you can send it any kind of data, any frequency you want, and be able to graph that easily is is a really interesting and flexible solution that it's exciting. But it definitely poses a lot of problems. Because, you know, when you're starting something new, you kind of need to focus on like a specific thing. And so anyway, I'm trying to thread that needle right now, like, here's a specific use case, you can pay your for right now.

But ultimately, it's broader, more flexible solution that you could do a lot with. So

Jordan Choo 1:04:40 It sounds super exciting. Yeah.

Noah Learner 1:04:43 How do we turn this into an actionable dashboard? Where you're, you're merging like page speed data? Sort of, like, how could we merge this with lighthouse data? Or do we even have a need, because we have it all straight from the source here?

Chase Granberry 1:04:57 And no, so like, Lighthouse data, we would be super. So like, what ultimately you would want I think with like, Lighthouse data is like take, you know, my top most requested. So I would want to take this and filter it for just HTML responses. So I'm not getting like CSS and stuff. Sure. So you know, these are the, you know, these are the most requested URLs, you can get that from analytics too but you know, and then take the top 10, and then have something that you could set up, like an automated lighthouse report and add that dumped in here, that would take a bit more, I don't know, anything that will do, like actually automated, like weekly or daily and whatever lighthouse reports. But that's, that's interesting, something, somebody shouldn't do that, because that would be useful. But like the top most important pages based on, I don't know, total as you count or the funnel ultimately conversions, like, you know, every page in the conversion funnel, or those baskets is a server responding fast for all those and be is everything actually getting rendered quickly. And you'll be able to see that with a lighthouse report. So like, that would be super interesting. I do want to do some some, I wasn't able to get that he gave me access to their Google Analytics. But something broke the install a week ago, and there was like no traffic for the last seven days. So I wasn't I wasn't able to do any data blending. But if you can any any data source that you can get into Data Studio. You can, like mash this stuff up. Well. So creating, like, what do they call it? I'm blanking on going to orphaned pages report like you could easily do that. Like what pages is Google crawling that they're not sending any traffic to? You know, is Google crawling every like, here's, here's all the pages that Google's crawling, here's all the pages that I'm getting traffic to like as Google actually crawling all the pages I'm getting traffic to, and traffic from anywhere like this is my whole site, that's that's generating traffic, is Google crawling all those pages. If they're not, then they probably can't see that section of the site, you know what I mean? And so being able to create something like that in here would be super easy. And everything would be automated. Because you have the log, you have the Google bot traffic automated, the log flare, and you have the analytics stuff that's automatically updated, obviously, the Google Analytics. And then you can also do some really interesting stuff. I mean, Jordan, I was thinking about that, that report, terms of what's that guy's name that used to work for Atlassian.

Jordan Choo 1:08:05 Oh, Kevin Indig, yeah, supermodel.

Chase Granberry 1:08:09 So that whole thing, ultimately, I have on my to do list to automate, which you would easily be able to do with what this whole thing and you know, one of the API's that would give you backlink data, so like, you know, show me Show me a table of Googlebot crawling each page, and then how many actually External links are coming coming to those pages? And it does it, you know, is Google crawling the site? Like, are those related in any way, and they probably are. Farther pages that are getting a ton of links to Google bots, not crawling for summary, I you know, I don't know. But there's lots of like that report, specifically, you'd be able to automate. And a lot of those queries be able to do with Big Query. And since we give you access to like the underlying table, if you want to get into it, like you can write sequel, and query the thing yourself. And Big Query is cool, because you can create like, essentially in materialized views, so you can write a sequel statement, and it'll create a separate table. And I'll keep that table updated automatically via that query. And so then you can take that table and do stuff in Data Studio, whether it's all super powerful. And it's and it's all very, very easy to do, you don't really need to learn like sequels to do. Like there's enough on the internet, you can just like Google stuff, like a sequel query for like, like how I do sequel like, it's, it's fairly straightforward. And the way that they built Data Studio is, I'm actually really impressed with it, it's super easy to pick up. So

Noah Learner 1:09:58 Chase it when we get in log files, do we get to see the source of traffic? Like, could this help us learn anything about direct traffic? That's just this huge vacuum of you know, where's this all coming from?

Chase Granberry 1:10:13 direct traffic? No, because it's a specific, it's a specific, like the referer. So when somebody comes to your site, from somewhere else, there's a request header, specifically called referrer header, and it has like the referring URL in it. And that the, that is what's missing. And that is, what direct traffic is. Now, you could get some potentially more data on that direct traffic. You know, the IP addresses that are actually associated with that direct traffic, are they you know, is our that is that direct traffic bots. And you could be able to tell that if the, the trap to direct traffic was like coming from an Amazon IP, essentially. There's, you know, unfortunately, the, it's the direct traffic is a bit more difficult to figure out. But you know, but at least with this, you could potentially have like, more data to try and figure that out with, you know, but that's an interesting problem. I haven't thought about that a whole lot. But I'll, I'll have to put some more thought into that. Because maybe there's some things we can do there a lot. A lot of what I have on my to do list to is like creating specific guides, you know, I'm like, Okay, if I want to, for instance, get insight into direct traffic, like, I want to create a whole, this is how you do that. And this is report you can set up and so I have like a list of a bunch of those that I ultimately need to get to but so any other ideas there? And I'm definitely all yours.

Noah Learner 1:11:56 So does every request have the refer data? Or on some?

Chase Granberry 1:12:00 No, only some only requests that came from somewhere else have like to refer? Yeah, and Google. So in Google took out like, well, when Google went all HTTPS. So when something's coming from an HTTPS source, all the refer is is the domain, because sometimes there's like information in the URL. And so when Google went to HTTPS, it was just good. That's one of the reasons why we lost keyword data inside of analytics. But another reason is that, if you, like browsers can essentially manipulate like the refer data. So there's not much if it has, so like, this is where I'm pulling this. So this is, so these are like internal referrals. Which is also which is actually also I was going to do this, like we can take some of these, like one of the actual paths. So these are all images. Let's get rid of these.

So now these are like the most common referral paths, essentially, these are all going to images, though. So it actually would only be

Noah Learner 1:13:34 HTML content type, maybe.

Are you really going to hostgator for to learn stuff?

Chase Granberry 1:13:46 Honestly? Am I going to hostgator to learn stuff? What do you got

Noah Learner 1:13:50 up there? XML site maps with their top right?

Chase Granberry 1:13:54 Oh, this was their site. They're hosted on hostgator.

Also, another reason why they needed a CDN was like well, the senior mega faster because it's kind of slow right now. Yes, it will make it faster to do that. But it's they're not really there. They're focusing on it like a little bit. Getting content up, but it's not. It's kind of not a huge boulders for them at the moment. So

Noah Learner 1:14:21 quick question you've, you've built, scaled and sold a number of businesses? Can you give us any hints or lessons learned in the trenches that you wish you knew when you got started on your either your first second or third? Go round of how to scale? Any scaling advice? Because that's something I know, an agency automation, but like,

Chase Granberry 1:14:45 that's like,

Noah Learner 1:14:47 the challenge for every agency, right?

Chase Granberry 1:14:50 I don't know. I mean, I, I, I honestly can't speak to agency stuff, because I did consulting for like a year before I started authority labs. And that's one of the reasons why I started Authority Labs because I wanted to get out of the consulting business. But most of that was just because I've always wanted to be in the software side of things.

But I think the biggest thing I learned was that, you know, we got to certain scale and authority labs, and it wasn't able to get beyond that. And it did really well. But I kind of wish I was able to push it further. But this guy came along wanted to buy it. And it was kind of an offer I couldn't refuse. So whatever we did it, but you know, I the biggest thing I think was his process, like I was never, I'm not really a process guy, like, I don't have a product. You know, Jordan was like, what's your process for reporting, I was like, oh, man, I don't really have one, I just kind of like, mess around with stuff until I figure it out. And, you know, like this whole thing, it was like, I was messing around with this reporter Oh, there's here's, you know, broken image. Unfortunately, there wasn't, you know, this isn't a huge site. And so there wasn't a lot of opportunity to find, like, things wrong with it. But you know, but I would just, I mean, you gotta get the process down. Because, people, and what I mean, people, I mean, like your employees, like they want most employees, like what, you know, just like, give me give me the box, like, tell me, like, tell me what you want me to do.

And I was never very good at doing that. Because I've always been kind of like, I don't know, I'll just do what you need to do. And you should be able to know what you need to do. But a lot of people don't know what they need to do. And so, you know, being able to figure out and, like, boil everything down to like, a process that's. So for you. Now, yeah, that was, that's just something I never did. And I think that that was the reason why we weren't able to scale past the point that we did, is just because, you know, we got to the point, I mean, the software is great, because, you know, you can have the software scale in it. And it did. And we were still like, I don't know, eight man shop or something like that. And so I didn't, terms of employees and stuff I didn't, because we had the software side, like I didn't really need to scale the people side. But with an agency, it's a much different situation, like, that's what you are scaling is the people side. Like, the more work you do, the more people you need to have. And so taking the time to actually like, create process around all the things that you're doing, I think is what will help you scale it up. And it's difficult to do because for me, it's, it's very easy to just be like, I'll just do it, you know, and I'll spend three times as long trying to figure out like the right process to give somebody else as it would be to just do it myself. But that's the wrong mindset. You know, you can't have that mindset when you're trying to scale like an organization that we're ultimately you need people to scale it. Like you need to take the time to actually define the process so that other people can help you do the things that you need to do. And you need to focus on the process piece. intensely. So you make sure that that's right. So you can just give this thing to somebody else, and know that it's going to get done. to the level that you need it done. Do you know what I'm saying? Yep.

Noah Learner 1:19:00 That was really cool. Thanks for sharing that. I mean, this is the thing that I've always that I've struggled with is getting processes totally dialed in the way that they need to be, and learning the hard way. You know, someone was telling me, I was interviewing them to help me build out a tool. And they said that in their organization, they had a rule of three. And their rule of three was that the first two iterations of anything, are garbage. And it's that third one, is the keeper in general.

Chase Granberry 1:19:31 Well, yeah, and you know, and if you're, I mean, it was software, specifically, that's true. But with, with, with any sort of process you to find, like, you know, it's going to be like, this is where you define it, okay, I think this is going to work.

But ultimately, you know, that might not work for some reason. I mean, you're going to get feedback from people you work with, like, wow, this is like not working as well as I thought it would, you're gonna get people back from your clients, like, you know, so it's everything is like a constant evolution. And nothing is really done. And that should be the case with, like, you know, your process. But for that to be the case, like you need, you know, you need to, you need to or you need somebody to help you, like focus and kind of like constantly evolve that process, because especially with agencies, and, you know, you guys are using software, to help you do your jobs, and like that software is always changing. And, you know, Google's always changing the rules. And, you know, your clients are always demanding something different. So every, everything's always changing. So it's certainly not going to be like, Okay, I'm going to create this process. And then like, it's going to be done. It's like, you know, okay, let's figure out what process works for us right now. And evolve that over time, to a be better over time, but also be able to handle, you know, the changes that are just naturally occurring business. But again, it's like you got to be able to, there has to be a process piece has to be a priority for you and your company, otherwise, it doesn't get done. And then you ultimately hit like roadblocks, which is kind of where I was at. So yeah, cool.

Noah Learner 1:21:23 Awesome. Well, we're, we're right around our our Chase, this has been awesome. Looking into the tool. It opens up so many questions for me just sort of like opening, trying to figure out how different internal teams would use it interface and get gains out of it, which I'm sure I'm going to think about in an email you later.

Chase Granberry 1:21:52 And I was, yeah. What do you like? What do you guys?

I mean, what are you doing for reporting right now? Just curious. So the reporting thing has always been really interesting. Like with authority labs, I always wanted to build like, you know, kind of a universal reporting tool. That was very difficult because everything wants, everybody wants something a little bit different with a little bit different data. Data Studio is actually done a really good job of being able to handle a lot of that I'm interested in just kind of what you're doing for reporting. Right now.

Noah Learner 1:22:28 Data Studio,

Jordan Choo 1:22:30 are you? Okay,

I'm using Google Data Studio as well.

It seems like a lot of agencies are really jumping on the Data Studio bandwagon, which is cool.

Yeah, I find it really flexible, the data sources are fantastic. And if there's not a native one, or like some type of integration, there's always Google sheets that you can fall back on, to just type right back into a Data Studio.

Noah Learner 1:22:54 And I love I love just pushing data into Google Sheets, and then to Data Studio, whether it's web hooks, or whatever. And, you know, I love that all a lot of my marketing tools allow me to use webhooks for situations where Zapier isn't an option. So I'm really easy for me to get data that's pretty actionable.

Like we built out a cart abandonment tool. That's the only cart abandonment tool recovery tool that works for all the platforms that bike shops use, and all that demonstrate what that revenue gain is, in my reporting, in a situation where they don't have anything out of the box of other than a webhook. It's like, holy shit, we recovered $3,000 worth of revenue this month with the tool, and to be able to show what the lifetime value of that tool is, across the whole platform. And watch it grow each month is is really pretty amazing.

Chase Granberry 1:23:49 Yeah.

That's cool. I'd like to learn more about that.

No, just because I mean, everything that you're so basically, somebody goes to a customer's carts. Yeah. And they bounce getting their contact info or pixel or something like that. And then when they come back and actually purchase, you send, like their contact info into sheet, and you can see, yeah, we're just like data about

Noah Learner 1:24:22 here, I'll just post the link. So So basically, what it does is it it grabs in email form fill anywhere on the site, whether it's in a chat bot, or it's in a newsletter signup, or it's in a cart. You know, like, if they're in the checkout process, or if they're anywhere in the if it's on any form on the site, it's just tracking it. And, and that data, if you scroll up, that data is live in terms of what it's actually generated, like we launched it last, last last fall. And it's it's recovered that hundred and 37,000. Last month, last 30 days, it's recovered 36 need sites averaging 3290, which that's legit. Cool. That's pretty cool, right?

Chase Granberry 1:25:12 Have you seen liverecover?

Noah Learner 1:25:15 No.

Chase Granberry 1:25:17 Oops.

Whoo, I started following this guy on Twitter recently, the belt they actually had people like, it's it's a cart abandonment thing. But they actually have people that will like humans, like text, or email or call, uh, Abandon choppers. And I think he's got some other. So here's, like, recovered with email. But he prices it, like he actually takes a percentage of I thought either Yeah, plus 10% of revenue generated. Yeah, none of its really automated. It's all like just, you know, people that are sending these text messages to abandoned carts.

Noah Learner 1:26:10 What we found so far is that it grows revenues about 10% per site. Yeah, also found, you know, it's a three email sequence, the first email, there's no, generally there's no discount offered, we send it out about a half hour after after the person abandons the second email sent out 24 hours after they abandon with a coupon code typically for like 10%. And then seven days after the initial event, and we send out the third email in the sequence. And we found that about 65% of the conversions are happening in that initial email, which is really cool. Most people don't do a cart abandonment, recovery kind of tool they don't want to install because they're afraid that they're going to give away, you know, all their margin, we found that that's just not happening. Yeah, across the board. It's pretty cool. While you might I mean,

Chase Granberry 1:27:05 you might as well just hang on once. I mean, you know, it's like a no, that's kind of like a no brainer. I don't know why more people don't do it.

Noah Learner 1:27:14 Yeah. The other thing that's weird is that in this space, I found that people like a lot of the tools don't out of the box work on different browsers. So they make chrome desktop and then they get that email, in whatever Safari email and they click the link, it'll go to a dead cart. Like that data doesn't automatically get pushed, like you would assume it does. Our total course works on any platform. So if if they visit on a mobile device, and then they open the email and a desktop, and they click that returned to my cart link, our tool rebuilds the shopping cart on the fly.

Chase Granberry 1:27:54 Yeah. Pretty baller. Yeah, you would think that those things should do that. It's weird that they know. Yeah,

Noah Learner 1:28:00 it's available through API's and you but you just have to build it. And yeah, custom custom build it. Yeah.

That's cool. Yeah.

Jordan, is this a good time to talk about Andi a little bit? Just briefly?

Jordan Choo 1:28:17 Yeah, sure. Noah, go for it.

Noah Learner 1:28:19 Okay, cool. So in two weeks, we're going to be coming back again, this will be my last. That will be my last hangout from our current environment here in lovely Lewisville, Colorado. Because we're hopefully closing on a new house super soon and the town next door and Broomfield. But in two weeks, we're going to be joined by Andi Graham, who's the CEO and managing partner of Big Sea, they're down in lovely Florida, she also splits time with Colorado Springs. They're super well known because they do agile development, like crazy in their web design, and in their SEO, and all their SEO work. And so we're going to be looking at the product process of doing agile working in an agile shop, and looking at how the Agile process relates to automation. And, you know, when we talk about agile, we talked about three to five different steps in the build process. And using a feedback loop at each of the different steps. And we're going to look at how if automation can work inside that workflow. We don't know what to expect, we assume that we'll be able to automate some stuff, but not a ton. But it's still worth trying. Right? Chase, please join us on future future stuff. We're really excited to see your progress with this. I'm going to install it after the meetup after the Hangout today because my site's on Cloudflare, and I love getting as much as I can out of it, because I've watched all the performance stuff on my site improve like crazy. And also rankings improve after moving over.

Chase Granberry 1:30:01 Is that bike? Is that the one you're talking about? Or is it a different? Oh, a

Noah Learner 1:30:06 bike shop? SEO is on cloudflare?

Yeah, you should, too.

Chase Granberry 1:30:13 Because there are I mean, there's some interesting things that we could probably do a with the, you know, the stuff that we get from Cloudflare, but we you could send Logflare some like custom events. You know, like when people open the email, you could send an event when people click, like you could generate, like, click through rate stuff, which you may already be doing. But, yeah, I could talk to you about some interesting, some really interesting things that we could do there so that you can do there.

Jordan Choo 1:30:50 Okay. Yeah, with With that being said, Chase, what's the best way for people to get in touch with you?

Chase Granberry 1:30:58 [email protected] and log out app. And I'm on Twitter at @chasers. And, yeah, that's do it.

Noah Learner 1:31:07 I love your Twitter handle.

Chase Granberry 1:31:11 That was a nickname my buddies created for me in high school. And I joined Twitter like 2008 so it was available.

Noah Learner Wow. That's insane. Okay, thanks, everybody. This was really amazing. And see you on June 14th. Take it easy. Thanks, Jason. Rock everybody. Take it easy.

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