Friday September 20, 2019 2pm - 3pm MST

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Jordan Choo Kogneta
Noah Learner Bike Shop SEO

Join Jordan and Noah for our 10th episode as we share a few of our latest tools including our new Google My Business Q + A tool, Google Posts Tool and more.

This was a special episode for us because it was our 10th episode and we also got to share a number of stuff that we've been working on.

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Video Transcription

Noah Learner 0:03: Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to our Friday afternoon agency, automakers Hangout. Jordan shoe and I, Noah Learner are here to spend an hour with you going over some of our latest and greatest tools and some of the most amazing things that we're seeing online. out in the world about automation, Jordan, what's up?

Jordan Choo 0:26: Yo, yo, yo, I'm excited today. Now, I think this is our first episode where we don't actually have a guest. It's just us. Yeah, talking and showing off a few automation that we've been working on.

Noah Learner 0:41: I as you can imagine, I'm especially excited about this episode. Because I've been taking a class run by Ben Collins. He is he's got like all these crazy Google Sheets and automation courses that he offers on his website. And we'll share that link in the show notes. But one of the ones that I was especially stoked on and I signed up for it a long time ago, I don't actually remember when, and I just got so busy. I never actually executed it. He is this class called automation with API's. And as you can imagine, I was like, no. Right? And I think that same thing that you're going through is like how do we go from low code, automation and translate out of using tools like Zapier and Integra, Matt, and moving more towards just getting API's to talk to each other using other tools, whether it's Python eventually, right? Like, that's the next the next Learner thing. But for me, it's like, holy shit, I could get App Script to work to get different API's to talk to each other. The first, the first thing that I did was build out a NASA API. And I was like, I was thinking, holy crap, that is so cool. And I'm trying to show it to you. And I can't find it. As per usual, right.

Jordan Choo 2:10: Murphy's Law,

Noah Learner 2:11: yeah, I built this stupid little thing. There it is sweet. So this one, and this is part of the class, right? you hook up to the NASA image of the day, the astronomy image of the day API, you push that to a Google Sheet, and then you push it to Twitter. The pushing to Twitter part I don't think was part of the class, I think I did that on my own. Like, I was like, oh, it'd be super sweet to like, have an inspiring photo of the day that's coming out of NASA. And it's free, the API was free. And I was like, Oh, the app scripts reasonably easy to learn. So that was like stage one, was learning how to pull data from an API and getting it to write to a Google Sheet. Right. And then, you and I, when we were mas con, we saw Greg Gifford talk about Q and A's. Yeah, I think we talked about it like, Oh, that's a great idea. Right? The idea kinda like just went away into the ether. And then you had built a pretty crazy tool, which is a Google post scheduler, yeah. which we'll get into in a couple minutes. And I was like, Oh, why don't we do the same thing for Q and A's. And I went down, like the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. And this was the, this is what I came up with this, what we're looking at right now, this version, this sheet. This is the config feed sheet. And it had a questions and answer sheet. So you can edit your Q and A's in Google, my using the Google My Business API. And then part of the learning curve is like, okay, I built a cool tool, people in my agency can use it. So how do I share this?

Ever have those challenges?

Jordan Choo 3:57: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. It? Yeah, a lot of a lot of the tools that, you know, I build internally, it's like, oh, yeah, like, this is great. I'm using it here. How do I share this with you or with the rest of the audience here on on agency automate or so there is a bit of a gap.

Noah Learner 4:17: So this tool, right, I was like, man it looks so good. I did some type biography, things. It's not just Arial font, I put an image in a hyperlink Ooh. And then I was like, how do I share it, I couldn't figure out how to share it. And I, I spent hours and hours and hours, looking through forums, reading all kinds of posts. Turns out, the way to do it is to is to build something as an add on. Okay. And the script that runs this tool, the way that I built it, it depends on a specific page structure. And it depends on specific cells having specific stuff in them. And I was like fizzle. So it turned out that we could just release, like an add on that does stuff. We had to actually release an add on. that builds itself. And so this is can I show how it works? Yeah, go for it be okay with this. Yeah, let's done this live together in a screen share, like I built this thing. And then you're like, hey, that's cool. Okay, so for everybody in the audience, this is how to use the tool. You, first of all, you have to install the add on. So let's see. It's super easy you. The way that you do it is you let's see, I should switch users. Right, I'll go into this one. I don't think the add on is installed here. So let's go File, New spreadsheet. I don't think that the add on is installed, I just want to confirm this is one of the coolest things ever. Here. Okay. So let me go manage add ons. And I'll remove this sorry, everybody, I'm sorry, I want to install it. I can't uninstall it. This isn't fine. So this from the Chrome, the Chrome Web Store, but you can also get it from what's called the G sweet marketplace. And for those of us, we don't have it installed, this is the easiest search term ever. You go QA in the G sweet marketplace, and our thing will show up first, so you click on it. If you don't have it installed already, you'll click install, and it should install super easily. You can also install it from the Chrome Web Store. And we'll share the link in the show notes to that. Historically, I've always installed it from the Chrome Web Store, I haven't installed it from the G sweet marketplace. So we'll share links to both. So you install the tool. And then once you do that, what we've noticed is that on the initial install, you won't see the full menu, you'll only see the word help. I don't know why that is I think it's a weird glitch with how add ons work. So you'll go back to add ons again, hover over it, when the add ons are ready to load, you'll see the drop down appear. And it usually takes a second while I guess you have to click it. Then from there you go run initial setup. And it builds the tool on the fly, which I think is so cool. Because I'm like the biggest dork ever. This is because it takes Google a little while to verify the app. So you just hit the Advanced button, scroll down, go to agency animators. These are the permissions. We just need to see your spreadsheets, we're going to connect to an external service. And we're going to be able to we meaning you the user, not agency animators are authorizing this Google Sheet that the user owns to go look at their specific, their specific Google My Business locations. And then this is how the initial install works. It's not going to just run because we hope we just authorized it to work to go run initial install. And it builds the tool out on the fly, which I think is super cool.

Jordan Choo 8:29: which got me so excited like the first time I ran it, you should have seen the huge smile on my face. Oh, really? Oh, I was cackling I like to say yeah, exactly, exactly.

Noah Learner 8:41: Yeah, we like six hours to get to that happy moment when like things were breaking on the initial install, right? It's like so then I'm switching users. So that will actually go to a sheet that has like, that actually has GMB stuff a social shaded with it. Run initial setup. And then when it's done, there's a couple other steps which are really easy. You go into the config, I think we should move these to the q&a page. By the way, I think they should live in the first row, I think it'll be easier from a UX perspective. You pick your account, you go back up to the add ons, agency animators get locations.

Jordan Choo 9:28: So this will pull all the locations that you have associated with the Google account that you logged in with NG sheets, right?

Unknown Speaker 9:36: Yes.

Noah Learner 9:38: Now, this next piece is important, you have to use the the email address that you actually want to log into GMB with, or Google My Business with. If you're using some random email just to check it out. And you don't have Google My Business accounts associated with that email address. The tool is going to look like it's broken. And I know that's a dumpster disclaimer. But just for the record, you have to do that. So you find when your locations, you go into the q&a page and you go add ons, agency animators get questions. And what will happen is that it'll pull in all the questions and answers that people have asked and answered about a specific business location. This is there's some caveats, right? If a If you don't create a question, you as the business owner cannot delete the question. Nor can you edit the question. That makes sense. Yeah, James the answer. And it'll add an answer that's coming from you, in addition to the answer that's already in place. So this is really great if someone is spamming your business. So if they're saying like, do you read? I don't know. Crystal Meth cooking devices.

Jordan Choo 11:05: I'm not gonna ask how your mind went there first, but All right, I'll roll with it.

Noah Learner 11:12: Baby. I don't know. Don't ask about my side hustle. So, you, you've been going here, and you can edit the answers, right? And there's some choices for how to do things. This like solid line or blank. When the tool runs, it won't do anything to this row. You can also submit a new question and answer can update one like if there's bad spelling or a bad sentence structure or whatever? Or you can delete an entire question and answer. Again, you can only delete the ones that you build. This is why the tool is cool. Because you can preload in all the questions and answers that you get asked all the time in that business location. You know, what are your store hours? Tell us about your on your parking. Do you offer layaway? What is the turnaround time on a bicycle tuneup? Right. So for this one? Do you have parking? We have a huge amount of off street parking available available at this location. And then for this row, notice I'm only selecting this row to brand new question QA. I kind of messed up, I should put a question, right? Go new QA. I'm not doing anything with these rows. I don't want to touch them. Right. So I go back up to the add on agency automate, publish. And then you'll see a little status message here. It'll say uploaded, uploaded new QA. If I was to go into a separate tab and then search for that business, recyclist bicycle company.

This is that business. We see that there for questions and answers. Remember, 1234? Do you have parking? This is the one that I just built. Right? The thing that's interesting about this is notice there's two API calls per row. There's one where we're, we're we're creating that question. And then it responds to us with the question ID and then we answer that question ID. So that's why we're only seeing one thing. In the first pass, we'll just refresh. See if it updated. Be Awesome. If the tool work perfect. There we go. Nice. We've been huge amount of our street parking available at this location. And that's what the tool can do. What do you think?

Jordan Choo 14:16: I freaking love it. Yeah, Noah, you know, I work with a fair amount of multi location brands. So this is super exciting to be able to roll out. Just standardized Q and A's based on you know, frequently asked questions across all of all the locations. And I love it. I love it, you know, you know me, right? Like, I get so excited, being able to automate and just scale out things like these across across multiple clients or locations.

Noah Learner 14:49: Yesterday was really cool, because I got to attend a neat conference called local you, or local university in Denver. And you know how I roll I was just like, maybe a bit of a bit of it all day long talking about it. And I bumped into Joel Headley the night before he's with patient pop. And I told him about the tool and he said, Hey, send me a link, whatever. And he gave us a shout out during the talk, which I thought was pretty cool. I was all stoked. And he. Yeah, it was just, it was really neat. Like, he talked a lot about automation, like he had everybody basically build a small App Script that ran through a sitemap, and then printed out the status codes for all the pages. That's really cool. We didn't do the whole code, because as you can imagine, there's like more than six lines of code and comments and whatever. And like the people in the room were a lot of like local SEOs who probably hadn't done App Script before. So it was pretty interesting to kind of watch them work through it. But uh, he was really kind. He was nice. He, he gave us a shout out. And I thought that was pretty sweet. Very nice of them. Um, let's see, do you want to talk us through the Google post scheduler, because you want

Jordan Choo 16:07: that it? You You can do that. Noah? It's this is I feel like you know, you do a you do a great job at presenting this. I would totally botch it.

Noah Learner 16:17: So basically, what I'm hearing is you just want me to break the tool and take all the credit. So, so this tool has a lot more going on. There's a lot more columns, there's a lot more stuff. We have not created this as an add on. But I think assuming, Jordan, are you open to us doing that? Yeah, let's because this is going to take more work. Just to build out the interface and and build out all the formulas and all that stuff. It's just going to take more work. But so the way that this tool works really similarly. You put in your What are we doing? You put in your account ID right? You go. The first thing you do is you go up here, get accounts. I have to Oauth it give it permission. Same kind of permission levels. We're doing Drive stuff we're connecting to i think i think this is to be able to work with Apps Script. I think that's what that one does. Yeah, we're Is that right?

Jordan Choo 17:27: Yeah. So so what happens is, we connect to Google Cloud, and they use us Google Cloud to connect to, to GMB

Noah Learner 17:38: O got.

Jordan Choo 17:40: So then we got an account ID. And we change it to that. And then from here, we do get locations. And what are we dealing with? are we dealing with the account sharing issue? I think it is is that issued? So what, what typically happens, and this even happens to me what when I create a new copy from a Google Sheet that is that I own as well. So what seems to happen is that when you copy the sheet, yeah, you need to almost like resubmit the authorization for that sheet to connect to Google Cloud and Google My Business. So I typically see it take, like maybe like 123 hours, depending on how quickly on how quickly Google kind of like refreshes your access to.

Noah Learner 18:40: Okay, so this is exactly why I built my tools and add on because I didn't want to deal with any of this stuff. for the end user. I just felt like it was the it's frustrating. Bottom line, it's frustrating. For sure. Um, so for everybody who's building tools that they want to share with people learn how to build it as an add on. And that process is not super, super hard. I think we should develop a blog entry around that, because there was a lot of like, troubleshooting, I probably spent five to six hours, just like reading blog entries about sharing issues. And while setting up the project and doing all that bullshit, that could have been a lot easier. I think this is the tool. This is the original, but I only have comment on the money. So why don't I just slack you this? And maybe you could share it with everybody?

Jordan Choo 19:33: That sounds good. Just open up slack here.

Noah Learner 19:38: Okay. And then, while you're getting that open, should I do our GatherUp tool?

Jordan Choo 19:46: Yeah. I don't think that's a great idea.

Noah Learner 19:48: Yeah, I'll do that. Just in making sure we're not running long at all. Okay, sweet. So GatherUp is, is one of our favorite tools, both the it, we both resell it to our clients.

Jordan Choo 20:04: And we actually had Aaron on our Hangout. So a few weeks ago,

Noah Learner 20:08: he I saw him at local yesterday. And he walked right up to me hugest smile of all time, and he's like, how you doing young man, he always calls me young man, I love it. I don't know, I don't actually think he's any older than I am. If the guy just looked like a baby, you know, it's like, anyway. So the way that this tool works, same kind of idea, you put in your client ID, which you can grab from inside your, you can grab it from inside your gather up tool, it's a little bit confusing, like you go to the business level, you then go into your account owner details, you grab the client ID from here, paste it into the tool, you then grab your API key. And for everybody who's watching this now, which is like us, you can see my API key everybody else, not a chance now. And so because I will blow this out, right? So then you enter your client ID API key. And this tool I think is really great. I'm really proud of us for developed developing it, you go into the gather uploader drop down, same kind of idea, you're going to use this stuff to gather locations, which will be just the one. And then you'll go gather uploader. And we'll switch. You'll notice here, let me delete this delete so that everybody can see this. Okay. And usually this was hiding, right? This is hidden.

Jordan Choo 21:51: Yes, that should be hidden.

Noah Learner 21:54: Yeah. So we go gather locations. And it should be build the location with the ID that which is coming out of gather up with the location. Yeah. And then if we switch over to that tab will change the styling so that this is easier to read. But you can see the business name, the location ID, and you put the person's name that you want to, you can copy paste this right out of the point of sale system, that the location is like emailing you data from. And Woopsy-Daisy, Noah at bike shop, SEO dot com. And then you go gather uploader. And I just want everybody to see that if we go into business dashboard. Currently, there are, you know, Kyle is the top one. And we'll go over to agency automaker GatherUp. Whoops, I knew I was on our sheet. You go GatherUploader, upload customers, we should see a status message here. feedback, letting us know that that specific row was pushed via the API will go via over to our customer dashboard in gather up. There it is, how sick is that?

Jordan Choo 23:29: Amazing. And and one thing that I love is no, I don't know about you. But a lot of the companies that I work with, they may not necessarily be familiar with GatherUp to find it a little confusing to you know, upload customers via CSV every week or every month, whatever it is. So you know, just providing them with a nice Google Sheet where they can just paste everything in. Because, you know, everyone knows Google Sheets. Everyone knows Excel. It's pretty straightforward. I find it's just a little lot easier. Yeah,

Noah Learner 24:03: I think this should be an add on to.

Jordan Choo 24:05: Yeah,

Noah Learner 24:06: I think super easy. I mean, it's this this one's easy. See, the problem is that Jordan has like good design chops, and he starts doing stuff like this, he does this really cute little border. And then the problem is that building an add on, like you have to define every single style and a separate App Script state, Paul, now you can change them together, right, you can select the range, and then you can apply a style to that range and then chain another style declaration another another. It's a total pain in the ass. So, you know, I love your font selection. But Hell no, I'm not doing any of that.

Jordan Choo 24:44: I'm just so so what I'm hearing is I make your life miserable.

Noah Learner 24:48: No, no, no, no. No, it's just depending on how bare bones we are, you know, it just takes more work. You know, you also have to do things like defining column widths, row heights, to make the tool Easy peasy, like in a in a questions and answer tool. Like it makes a lot of sense for these rows to be really tall, so that you can actually read a paragraph if there's a paragraph or a question, for sure. You know what I mean? So like, I had to define the row height, had to define the background color, had to define the font size had to define, you know, all this stuff. But Apps Script is actually reasonably, it's pretty easy to learn, like, I was surprised. A lot of it, you know, one thing that I had issues with as I was looping, you know, at one point, you have to look through all the roses stuff, and you have to buy the status message, the status message, at first would apply to the first line, let's say there's two roses step, it would apply the status message to the first line, and then apply the line 10 rows later. My variable, which was like I did a what's called a four year loop. So or I think it's I don't know, if that's called a loop music is called the four end where you say like, for, for j in array? Right? So I UJ as my as my variable name, right? Let's do the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, i, j 10. Right. So my status message was being pushed 10 rows down for where it should be. took me a while to figure out that. And I said, I said something like you had to add j plus one, or j plus two. And what it was doing was it was interpreting j as a string. Oh, interesting. was turning j into 10. And then adding to do it to tell the status message, how many rows to go down. I was like, Ah, so I had to parse it as it turned it into a number from a string and blah, blah, blah. So there's, they're all these like, interesting things. And I like spent 30 minutes doing that. There's like, gosh, but there's this one, you know, anytime something like that happened just for people developing this stuff. The next time, it's like, you want to log every single statement, as you're building the script to run so that you can see what's getting returned for every single statement. And then when something like that happens, you want to check your variable to know what the type it is. JavaScript, there's a function called type of you want to know, is it a string? Is it an array? Is it No Is it is it a Boolean, and it returned a string and I expected it to be an integer, right? I expected it to give me an index number. And I was like, it's a string. And that was really easy once I figured that out. Do you have the post tool set up on your set?

Jordan Choo 28:15: I do? I do.

Noah Learner 28:17: Do you want to share?

Jordan Choo 28:18: Yeah, sure. Share right now. Can everyone see it? I can. Okay. And in our case, you are everyone. Alright, so, um, as Noah was mentioning earlier, we've created a Google post scheduler that essentially allows you to queue up Google posts in bulk, you know, using using Google Sheets, which is absolutely amazing. Because you have a whole ton of control over it, you know, you're not relying on any third party apps happy to pay any extra money for it. So if we go into this config file right here, you know, we have we have an ID, which is actually delete, in our case. So we have this handy drop down menu here and we go to get accounts. And what it will do is it'll actually ping GMB is API to gather your account ID that's associated with the email that you're logged in with in Google Sheets. So once that's pulled, you'll see this drop down and you can you click this nice drop down here. Now, next thing you do is you want to gather all the locations that are set up, or I should say you have access to through your GMB account. So once you get locations, the script will run. It'll ping, you know, Google Cloud and Google Cloud will ping GM API, and then it will pull all the locations that you have into this Google Sheet. So next step is you know, if we, you know, we'll go down here, and we hit this drop down menu, you'll actually see all of the GMB locations that I have with my own account. So if we type in neta, we will we will see my

Noah Learner 30:07: mic. Okay, let's do let's put one live. I totally want to see something live.

Jordan Choo 30:11: Yeah, sure. We will, we'll do this live. Okay, cool.

Noah Learner 30:14: In the candy store.

Jordan Choo 30:16: So next thing we do is we choose the post type. So call to action, we have the event we have an offer. So in our case, we're going to go CTA. And now this is where things get interesting. So based on the post type that you select, if you kind of scroll to the right here, you'll see that there are certain cells that are that are grayed out. So in, which is based on the post type. So with these great outsells, you don't need to fill them out, you only need to worry about the ones that aren't white. So in our case, we have summary right here. And we're going to say building an amazing Google post scheduler, with no Noah, agency, automate errors. And then we have media type here and Google My Business. Your posts, you know, you can upload a photo, you can upload a video. So in our case for good you a photo. And now we have the media URL here. And this is literally exactly what you would think it's the URL to in our case, the photo. So I'm going to go over here. I'm going to go to agency on animators.

Noah Learner 31:29: Keep in mind, our logo is in SVG. I don't know that it will accept SVG.

Jordan Choo 31:34: Let's go maybe products. Do we have a screenshot somewhere? No, we don't. Okay,

Noah Learner 31:40: go to past shows you can grab ahead.

Jordan Choo 31:42: Okay, sweet. So let me let me go back here and we'll go to past shows. Let's Let's choose

Noah Learner 31:50: Rory. So we're going to have rocks.

Jordan Choo 31:52: Yeah, copy image address. We're going to paste it in here. And in fact, you know, it will update that this chatting about automation

Noah Learner 32:03: with Rory, Noah.

Jordan Choo 32:07: All right, we have our CTA type where we can choose what the call to action will be with the post. So in our case, let's choose learn more. And now we have the CTA URL here, which is where people are going to go once once they actually click on your your Google posts, so mushy, choose Rory's URL, pop that in here.

And then we're all done. For Yeah, now I know we're all done. So Oh, actually, I like we need to choose a publication date. So do is we will choose today, which is September 20. And what will now do is go up to the Google post schedule drop down and hit upload posts. So what will happen is you can kind of see a sneak peek up here that I have these Google posts queued up with various states. So the script will actually run and look at all the cells but sorry, all the rows that are filled out to check whether today's date is the same as the publication date. And if it is, it'll upload it. So you can see here that in the Status column, we have uploaded now, meaning that the post itself has been published. So what we'll do is we'll go to business, Google, to check it out. Kogneta, here,

look at, look at it Oh, and we can actually see your latest posts. Yeah, so I'll go the traditional way to posts. And we can see here, this was just posted. Now. Now we can see that the image is same, the, the summary is the same. And if we hit learn more, it opens up and goes to Lori's chat, on agency meters website. Now, what is awesome is that using App Script, you can actually set it up so that a function will run based on a cron job that you set up. So there's a bit of a technical side to this here, when you want to queue up a lot of posts. So essentially, what you do is you hit tools, go to the script editor. And then I believe you go to, I think it's edit, you go to edit, and you go to current projects, triggers. And then this will open up all of your App Script stuff. And you can see here that I've actually already set an App Script up a trigger up for this App Script. But if you don't, you won't see anything here. And all you have to do is go add trigger. You choose which function you want to run. And in our case, it's the upload posts. And then what you do is you select for the event type

Noah Learner 34:59: from spreadsheet, do that from spreadsheets, right?

Jordan Choo 35:02: a spreadsheet, there you go time based, it'll have a drop down, you can choose every day, every hour, in our case, you want to do day timer, and then select when the script run. And once you hit save, it'll, it'll save the trigger. And it'll run, you know, in our case every day at midnight to 1am. So that all you have to do now is just sit back and relax. And you'll have all the all the Google posts that you queued up, be published on whatever date you have in the published column. Yeah, so that's the that's the Google post scheduler that we created.

Noah Learner 35:40: Okay, so should we you ready to go in the weeds a little bit into the value of Google posts?

Jordan Choo 35:48: Let's Let's do it.

Noah Learner 35:49: Okay. So I heard some very interesting things yesterday about Google posts. Number one, I'm going to go back in time to our discussions with Ben Fisher, you're from steady demand. Do you remember how he told us that they Google posts helps educate the algorithm and it helps to define relevancy for specific brands and locations based on what you're posting about? Yeah. So that's on one hand. And then on the other hand, in the middle of q amp a session on people were discussing the value of all these enjoying Hawkins, I think, said that posts, Q and A's, and there are two other things in the list did not impact rankings at all. Okay. And I was like, Oh, really. So it sounds like something we're going to want to test to find out. And so that was pretty interesting. So I don't know if it impacts the algorithm. Here's something else that I heard that was really smart, Dan leaps and said, from Local SEO guide, he said, you know, posts are incredibly inexpensive for us to produce. They're super cheap, we can build them out easily. You know, we don't see huge engagement rates. But if you work in a in a vertical, where every conversion is really expensive, into him really expensive, was I think they had stuff that they you know, one of their clients was selling whatever, hundred thousand dollar conversions. That one conversion with that posts. A tool for the year, made the entire Google post program paid. Like, okay, all right. Yeah, that makes sense. I'll do it. You know, that that was that was pretty sweet.

Jordan Choo 37:51: And and one thing to bring up to is I know, there's been a lot of discussion on what exactly post topics should be about. And I if, if I recall correctly, when Greg Gifford was doing his chat at Ma's con. He talked a lot about, you know, Google posts in general and how they really need to be transactional focused, rather than education. Like educationally focused, so like, instead of promoting blog posts, you know, actually run promos talk about, you know, testimonials from from clients and all that. So I found that quite interesting. Like quite quite an interesting point that he made.

Noah Learner 38:30: Yeah, in my brain was ready to explode yesterday. You know, when we talk in my eyes seem to go off into the clouds. I had one of those moments yesterday, Aaron, and Mike Blumenthal from gather up, we're talking about pulling sentiment out of out of reviews in order to get insights that help drive better customer service inside a brick and mortar business. So specifically, was things like, let's say you have a four and a half star review. But there's negative language in that review. You definitely want to fix those problems, because it's stopping you from being a five star review. They also talked about the importance of not filtering out reviews at all, and just being full on open transparency is now best practice period. And they ran a study with thousands and thousands and thousands of locations after Google stopped review gating before and after, and found that before, the average star rating was 4.66. Okay, after that number dropped to 4.5.

Jordan Choo 40:01: Which like it is a change, but it's not that big of a change. Just trying to just interesting. Yeah, yeah, it's, it's, it's quite small, I was expecting it to be like a full star or maybe more.

Noah Learner 40:15: And Mike also said something that I thought was really cool, which was that consumers prefer businesses that have an average star rating. The highest preference preference range was 4.0 to 4.5. And for everybody that's watching, you might be able to see something moving behind me and I apologize, but my dog is the weird napper. I saw speed moving down here, and I was like, What the heck is that? But Mike was saying that, that people preferred reviews to be in that 4.02 4.5 range the most. And that the the big band was between 3.5 and 4.5. And then above, zero trust. First question in focus groups was, how much did people have to pay to get those five star reviews? Interesting. So if you're filtering, don't do it. So anyway, back back to them. So this is where my mind went. Sorry about that. Is that okay? Then I'm tangent. Oh, yeah. So he was saying he was talking about all this review sentiment. And of course, my brain starts drifting towards the GMB API. And I started thinking about oh man, you know, be really sick is if we pulled in the full corpus of a business's reviews. And then we pull out all the reviews sentiment off of all their GMV power reviews, or whatever their Google reviews, and then get sentiment off of that. And the thing that I have about hard time with, with all this review, sentiment, analysis, stuff that I'm seeing online, is that most of the time, they want you to pull out all kinds of stop words, re the in, you know, prepositions. And the thing that I think is really weird about that is is you lose context a little bit, because, like in their charts, they were talking about tacos, right, a taco stand. And the thing that was associated with a positive review was the noun or the entity tacos. And it's, you know, that to me, I was like, Well, how do EL valuable is that versus love the juicy chicken tacos? Because I feel like if you're building ad copy, the juicy chicken part is pretty important. You know?

Jordan Choo 43:00: Yeah. Yeah. Which, which I like for for myself now. Now that you bring it up? Yeah, what I would do. And I think we talked about this before, with the with the sentiment analysis tool that you kind of, kind of working on in the back burner is running n grams on it, right? By try and quad n grams, Jim, figure that out to kind of filter out those.

Unknown Speaker 43:30: Those those I guess, overpowering words, hold on a second,

Noah Learner 43:33: I gotta make sure I'm in the right account. So embarrassing. I'm like, oh, it doesn't work. Nothing works. sentiment, sentiment. sentiment, and I'm going to be so embarrassed if the reports just busted. Oh, yeah, he, this was funny. The Trump I hope this isn't broken, I'd be so bummed if it's broken. I thought it was hilarious. So like, you, there is like a really fun API that had all of Trumps speeches, right? And you could go through all of his speeches, to pull out chunks of things. And then I built this tool. So you could then go and show n grams of different links. Okay, great again, so much. Right. So if we get rid of all the two word ones, and we just go for that, the three word ones, I bet build the wall is going to be the most important. Look at this, we have two people that are going to going to he says going to a lot like he's selling you a vision of what's going to happen in the future, versus what he's doing now. And we're not going down the political rabbit hole, I'm just saying. Man's same thing here going to be a going to be to rebuild our like. So there's some there's value in having some of these different prepositions to get sentiment in it, you know, to understand the sentiment more. And then I also had this other tool. You know, where I actually did it more for one of our bike shops. And so for that review tool that I sell, called, listen, 360 reviews, like, I thought, Oh, this is cool, why don't I pull out the full corpus of their reviews. And the thing that's cool about that is I'll be able to be able to present to our clients, all of their, their reviews. And not only that, but I'll be able to show the sentiment on it as well. And like, for example, I can find these different ones I can can find the category in or the promoters or the passive. What the rating is, I can only show the nine stars, I can show a date range.

Jordan Choo 46:10: Do you mind showing us a screenshot?

Noah Learner 46:12: Oh my god, are you kidding me? I've been showing you this whole Oh my god, I'm so dumb. I'm so embarrassed Jordan, you gotta you gotta like chat at me. Like, I feel like such a cool, I don't know, this. Dang it. Um, so hold on, let me go back to the last page, just so you can see the reviews sentiment, okay, so I can filter, these are all the reviews, right? For this one location, I can filter by the review, like only look at one, I can filter by the category. If their promoters are passive, I can filter by the rating star in the date range. And then this is where the sentiment analysis gets to be pretty fun. Like, you can count by the number of times that it occurred. And it will give you I think, a really interesting insight into the words that are meaningful customer service friendly and the bike lane, I can also find same kind of thing where I can get granular about the engram link. And I haven't been able to make this scientific yet. But I think it's interesting to just kind of keep playing with this to get insights. You can see the Trump thing, the Trump thing is actually pretty funny. on my bike customer service, great customer, service friendly staff, helpful staff, I think, for a client that is not filtering their reviews at all, what I think is really interesting is to go into the MPs category, and to go to the people who are hating on your business. And then find the terms that are ranking the most for the people who are hating on you. And then fix those issues. And then change go the opposite way of go to the promoters and then find the terms that are happening the most. And include those in your ad copy. And in your meta description language. Because odds are, they're probably looking at your reviews online. And if they go to your reviews first, and your marketing language includes the language that they've already read in the reviews. They're gonna say like, they're going to be stoked to do business with you, right? It's like the promise matches the performance. So if you're only promising what people like, I think that's kind of interesting as a tactic or strategy. For sure. Um, let's see. So what else do we want to talk about? We wanted to talk about Ben Collins off a couple of our tools. For everybody who wants to learn how to do oh off, and they they want to figure out how to provide open off into applications. I think that we've talked about integrity, a bunch in the past, but I think this tool is the bomb. I think it's so cool. Whoa. I assume I know how to tap in

Jordan Choo 49:28: And for those who don't know, it's similar to Zapier correct?

Noah Learner 49:32: Yeah, exactly. I would describe it as a pretty strong and growing a growing in importance competitor to Zapier, they have the killer app, or the killer thing that they can do, in my humble opinion is twofold. Number one, they have built in error handling, whereas Zapier has error notification. So in integrity, man, if something breaks, you can make it do stuff versus versus just breaking and you're done.

Jordan Choo 50:08: Interesting. So it's like that if ever catch statement.

Noah Learner 50:12: Yeah, it's like try try catch. Right, right. Sorry. Yeah, yeah, no, we're good. And then, so what I think is super neat is that when I was trying to figure out how to build the q&a tool, my initial build for that was thinking about just how to do it for my own agency. And my thought process there was to build a Google Sheet, and then have a drop down in the Google Sheet and one of the cells so that if someone chose publish, there would be a query statement on another sheet that would grab all posts, where that column equals publish, and then it would create a new row. And then this tool would be looking for new rows. And whenever there's a new road, make the open offer request to GMB and post that question and answer. So anyway, Integra, Matt has the ability to allow you to make open off requests. And it's super easy to do with their tool, and there's not a lot of finagling, when you and I were trying to figure out the base camp API, it was not super easy. Did we do it in Zapier or in integrity? We did it via Integromat.

Unknown Speaker 51:23: Yeah, because it was actually pretty simple. Once we figured out

Noah Learner 51:26: Well,

Jordan Choo 51:28: once, once you figured it out, I was I was still at a loss, and I would never have caught that. So for the record, thank you very much,

Noah Learner 51:36: anytime, glad to be at help. So. So this is pretty neat. Like you can do an open Auth, you can then grab the data, and you can push the data. And so I had envisioned new row and spreadsheet triggering the open off where we submit a question. And then we submitted answer. Downside, can you share this?

Jordan Choo 52:08: Go for it.

Noah Learner 52:11: So you gotta do this stupid add on?

Jordan Choo 52:14: That, you know that that totally makes sense, right? Because it's through your, your own Olaf account, rather than.

Noah Learner 52:23: And it's looking for a specific spreadsheet versus an add on that you can incorporate in any spreadsheet. So what are you seeing out in the universe that you're loving?

Jordan Choo 52:37: Um, what am I doing these days? I'm, I'm playing around with with, with some machine learning stuff. Yeah, I know, you and I talked about that. offline. Not Not Not yet ready for, for us to talk about it publicly yet? Because it's still very, very broken and very much in development.

Noah Learner 53:00: Do I know? Do I know about this?

Jordan Choo 53:02: Yes, you do. Okay. Yes, we? Um, yeah, not nothing, nothing quite, quite new and exciting. That's, that's ready to share as of yet, how about yourself.

Noah Learner 53:16: Um, I want to share this resource rapid API. I'm sure that our audience knows all about it. And we're like 17 steps behind the eight ball. But having said that, this tool is so cool. You can tie into any number of different API's. And you can just sort of, you can look into sentiment analysis, for example. And this is the, this was one of the I don't remember if I use the, I think I use this one. I can't tell if I'm logged in, hold on a second login. When I log in, and we look at my apps, what are my apps dashboards default? Trying to see what what API I'm using? I forget the exact name. But you can use the Oh yeah. So it's the text mining and natural language processing API. Let's plug this in. So you can see how it works. Because the thing that's cool about it is that you can, sorry that there's all these things on top of where I'm trying to do things. So API marketplace, and then I'm going to search for the for for it. There it is, thank goodness. Okay. So you open up the API that you want to connect with. It then shows you how to connect to it. It shows you how to create your post. It shows you headers. It shows you the form the actual post body. Excuse me, is it a poster get? Yeah, so this one was a post. And then it shows you what the response body looks like. And then it shows you how to play with it. And you're going to love this, I think. Where is it? I believe that I used this in. Hold on a second.

Jordan Choo 55:34: This was for I think the sentiment thing?

Noah Learner 55:37: Yeah, I know, I'm just looking for I don't think I don't think that I did it. I might have did it manually. But the thing that was cool about this was it taught me how to how to build out the API call when I pulled it into either Zapier or I pulled it into Integra. Matt, I forget where I did it. And I humbly apologize to everybody. And I basically had data that was local, it parse through all this stuff, and it built all the end grams for me. Right? Does that make sense?

Jordan Choo 56:11: Yeah, yeah. And what's cool, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is it's almost like a build your own request?

Noah Learner 56:19: Yes.

Jordan Choo 56:20: So on that left hand side here, you just fill in all the info, and then it'll pre populate that code script over there.

Noah Learner 56:28: Correct. And then you have to match the structure in your web app, and check out the pricing. It's wicked inexpensive. That's my that's great language right there.

Jordan Choo 56:43: That's really good.

Noah Learner 56:44: So I think Integra Matt, plus an API like this, and if Hamlet Battista was watching our, our, our our Hangout right now would play throw his hat at the monitor, because he'd say, you don't need no stinking it big pipeline. Because I think you might send it sentiment analysis thing. He probably did say that. He probably did it. He's like, Where's his comment? his comment was, you don't need that. You don't need no stinking tools you just need you just need to buy fat anyway. So so it goes this API, Integra Matt to make the request, push the response into a into something I think I pushed the response into Google Sheet if I'm not mistaken. And then I queried the Google Sheet to do the sentiment analysis. What do you think? I like it. So do you think it's, I need to know if I should use filters in the reporting to get word to get rid of words like in the is, or if there's real value, because keep seeing the other sentiment analysis tools, like gather up is just they would just want to see bike lane. This it would be bike. This would still be customer service. And I know,

Jordan Choo 58:14: I think that it doesn't come down to the filters, it comes down to the n gram algorithm that you're using. Right? Because the N gram is what dictates the inclusion or exclusion of stop words. Because you're just looking at essentially a database right now, right of all the anagrams that are rat. So,

Noah Learner 58:38: right, but I made some filters. And we could turn these on to see what they look like. And I was pretty interested in in, whoops, I think I have to maybe do that. Or maybe that particular filters broken. I think they're too and Graham filters. Another reason I just get blown out by Data Studio. Got. Let's see what the deal is. Why is it not working? rejects, contains exclude rejects, contained. I don't know why that isn't working. Let's just get rid of the filter. And we want to remove links. There we go. I don't know why that makes it work. That one filter makes it work. I don't remember I'm sure I had to troubleshoot it. But anyway, so this was kind of a different one. I had a ton of fun this time during

Jordan Choo 59:33: I did too. I did too. I think it was it was an a nice little change of us kind of shooting the shit showing off what what we're working on. Because I know we we talk a lot about what other people are working on. So it's nice to share with with everyone. What's what we've been up to.

Noah Learner 59:50: One of the coolest thing for my perspective is that we've been hosting a Hangout. And we're finally moving to a place where we're starting to build tools to help other companies be more productive. And it's not just the tools piece but also like the actual jumping in and helping them automate has been really fun for me and I'm really excited to see where this takes us over the next year to like this. Sure. Cool, everybody. I really appreciate your time. Jordan you rock this was a total Hoot for me. I got to cackle as it were

Jordan Choo 1:00:29: here, man. It's it's it was a blast. Yeah, going way to to end the week.

Noah Learner 1:00:35: Yeah, totally. Okay. So everybody, have a great week. Keep automating and we'll see you soon.

Jordan Choo 1:00:41: Take care everyone.

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